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Teach you how to make high-quality organic fertilizer! Stop spending money on fertilizer

   Release date: 2021-10-30     Hits: 26    Comment: 0    
Note:   Fertilizer is divided into organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer.Inorganic fertilizers are usually produced by
   Fertilizer is divided into organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer.Inorganic fertilizers are usually produced by chemical plants,such as urea,ammonium bicarbonate,phosphate fertilizer and so on.In our cognition of organic fertilizer,we may think that farm fertilizer is organic fertilizer.
  Indeed,the most used organic fertilizer in agricultural production is farmyard fertilizer.But farmyard manure is only one kind of organic fertilizer.Organic fertilizer is a kind of fertilizer that contains organic matter,which can not only provide nutrients for crop growth,but also improve soil quality.
  Most of the organic fertilizers used in rural areas are made by local farmers through self accumulation and fermentation.Organic fertilizer can be produced through fermentation,such as poultry raised by farmers,manure of livestock,straw of crops and residual leaves of vegetables.
  How is organic fertilizer made?
  1:Preparation of raw materials
  The main raw material for making organic fertilizer is livestock manure.Livestock are mainly herbivorous,and there are undigested weeds in their feces.Through fermentation,they can produce a large amount of nitrogen,as well as a small amount of phosphorus and potassium.If you need more phosphorus,you can match some poultry feces;Potassium is needed.It can be combined with some plant ash.
  2:Pile turning
  Turn over the prepared raw materials.The purpose of turning the pile is to better mix the raw materials and make the fermented organic fertilizer uniform.
  Pour a small amount of clean water on the turned organic fertilizer and cover it with plastic film.The fermentation process is usually carried out in about a week.The fermented organic fertilizer will give off heat and give off a bad smell.When making organic fertilizer in summer,the fermentation time will be shortened.
  The fermented organic fertilizer can not be used directly,and it needs a ripening process.The process of ripening is also closely related to the temperature.When the temperature is relatively high in summer,it only takes about a month to ripen completely;In winter,it takes about three months.The organic fertilizer with good rotten smell is very light and divergent.
  Note:when making organic fertilizer,it will give off a more smelly smell.If it is made in a small amount,it can be made in a closed container,which can speed up the fermentation and ripening time.If mass production,it is recommended to make it outdoors.
  The fertilizer effect of self-made organic fertilizer is slower than that of inorganic fertilizer,but the fertilizer effect is much longer.Moreover,the content of various elements is relatively balanced,which is more suitable to be used as base fertilizer.
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