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The seven effects of organic fertilizer are irreplaceable by chemical fertilizer!

   Release date: 2022-08-06     Hits: 30    Comment: 0    
Note:   The most prominent role of organic fertilizer is to improve soil organic matter.The organic matter in the soil can s
   The most prominent role of organic fertilizer is to improve soil organic matter.The organic matter in the soil can significantly improve the physical and chemical properties of the soil,make the soil tillage better,enhance the water seepage capacity,improve the soil water storage,fertilizer conservation,fertilizer supply and drought and waterlogging resistance,and increase the production obviously,which can not be replaced by chemical fertilizer.Organic fertilizer can not only prevent the deterioration of ecological environment and improve environmental quality,but also play a great role in agricultural production.
  Organic fertilizers have made the following contributions to agricultural production:
  ▍improve soil fertility
  95%of the trace elements in the soil exist in insoluble form and cannot be absorbed and utilized by plants.The microbial metabolites contain a large amount of organic acids,which,like hot water added to ice,can quickly dissolve the trace elements such as calcium,magnesium,sulfur,copper,zinc,iron,boron,molybdenum and other mineral elements necessary for plants and become nutrient elements that can be directly absorbed and utilized by plants,Which greatly increases the fertilizer supply capacity of the soil.
  The organic matter in the organic fertilizer increases the content of organic matter in the soil,reduces the cohesiveness of the soil,and enhances the water and fertilizer retention performance of the sandy soil.Thus,the soil forms a stable aggregate structure,which can play a good role in the coordinated supply of fertility.After using organic fertilizer,the soil will become loose and fertile.
  ▍improve soil quality and promote soil microbial reproduction
  Organic fertilizer can make the microorganisms in the soil multiply,especially many beneficial microorganisms,such as nitrogen fixing bacteria,ammoniating bacteria,cellulose decomposing bacteria,etc These beneficial microorganisms can decompose the organic matter in the soil,increase the aggregate structure of the soil,and improve the soil composition.
  Microorganisms reproduce very fast in the soil.They are like an invisible net and are complex.After the death of microorganisms,many micro pipes are left in the soil.These micro pipes not only increase the permeability of the soil,but also make the soil fluffy and soft,and the nutrient and water are not easy to be lost,which increases the soil water storage capacity and avoids and eliminates the hardening of the soil.
  The beneficial microorganisms in the organic fertilizer can also inhibit the propagation of harmful bacteria,so that less medicine can be applied.If applied continuously for many years,the harmful organisms in the soil can be effectively suppressed,saving labor,money and no pollution.
  At the same time,organic fertilizers contain various active enzymes secreted by animal digestive tract and various enzymes produced by microorganisms.When these substances are applied to the soil,the enzyme activity of the soil can be greatly improved.Long term use of organic fertilizer can improve the quality of soil.If the quality of the soil is fundamentally improved,there is no fear that high-quality fruits will not be planted.
  ▍provide comprehensive nutrition for crops and protect crop roots
  Organic fertilizer contains a lot of nutrients,trace elements,sugars and fats needed by plants.
  The CO2 released by the decomposition of organic fertilizer can be used as a material for photosynthesis.Organic fertilizer also contains 5%nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium,and 45%organic matter,which can provide comprehensive nutrition for crops.
  At the same time,it must be mentioned that the organic fertilizer decomposes in the soil and can be transformed into various humic acids.It is a kind of high molecular material with good complexation and adsorption performance,and has a good complexation and adsorption effect on heavy metal ions.It can effectively reduce the toxicity of heavy metal ions to crops,prevent them from entering the plants,and protect the roots of humic acid substances.
  ▍enhance the ability of crops to resist disease,drought and waterlogging
  Organic fertilizer contains vitamins,antibiotics,etc.,which can enhance crop resistance and reduce or prevent disease.When organic fertilizer is applied to the soil,it can enhance the water storage and water retention capacity of the soil,and in the case of drought,it can enhance the drought resistance of crops.
  At the same time,organic fertilizer can also make the soil loose,improve the ecological environment of crop roots,promote the growth of roots,enhance root vitality,improve the waterlogging tolerance of crops,reduce the mortality of plants,and improve the survival rate of agricultural products.
  ▍improve the safety and green of food
  The state has already clearly stipulated that the excessive use of inorganic fertilizers must be restricted in the agricultural production process,and organic fertilizers are the main fertilizer source for the production of green food.Because all kinds of nutrient elements in organic fertilizer are relatively complete,and these substances are completely non-toxic,harmless and pollution-free natural substances,this provides necessary conditions for the production of high-yield,high-quality and pollution-free green food.The humic acid substance mentioned above can reduce the harm of heavy metal ions to plants,which is equivalent to reducing the harm of heavy metals to human body.
  ▍improve crop yield
  Beneficial microorganisms in organic fertilizer use the organic matter in the soil to produce secondary metabolites,which contain a large number of growth promoting substances.For example,auxin can promote the elongation and growth of plants,abscisic acid can promote the ripening of fruits,gibberellin can promote the flowering and fruit setting,increase the number of flowers and the rate of fruit preservation,improve the yield,make the fruits full,fresh and tender,and can be put on the market early,so as to increase production and income.
  ▍reduce nutrient loss and improve fertilizer utilization
  The actual utilization rate of chemical fertilizer is only 30%~45%.Some of the lost fertilizer is decomposed and released into the atmosphere,some is lost with the water and soil flow,and some is fixed in the soil and cannot be directly absorbed and utilized by plants.
  When the organic fertilizer is applied,the beneficial biological activities improve the soil structure,increase the soil water and fertilizer retention capacity,and reduce the loss of nutrients.In addition,the effective utilization rate of chemical fertilizer can be increased to more than 50%due to the effect of beneficial microorganisms on phosphorus and potassium hydrolysis.
  The advantages of organic fertilizer show that it is irreplaceable.Compared with chemical fertilizer,people will choose organic fertilizer in the future.The wide use of organic fertilizer can effectively reduce agricultural production costs,reduce environmental pollution and meet the requirements of sustainable development of modern agriculture.
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