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Autumn Diet Therapy to Prevent Hair Loss

   Release date: 2019-08-16     Hits: 47    Comment: 0    
Note: As the autumn is getting stronger, hair loss is beginning to bother us. Why is hair loss prone to occur in autumn? What
 As the autumn is getting stronger, hair loss is beginning to bother us. Why is hair loss prone to occur in autumn? What can be done to alleviate hair loss? Here, we introduce some green foods that can alleviate hair loss. Let's see what they have.
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Why do you lose hair easily in autumn?
Autumn hair loss is not a serious disease, experts said that hair growth, hair loss and season. In autumn and winter, as the temperature drops, the growth of hair slows down, and because of the dry and windy climate, it is easy to cause static electricity, accelerate the volatilization of hair moisture, break hair scales, resulting in the destruction of hair texture, hair will become dry, lose luster, easy to knot, bifurcation or even hair loss. Hair loss is more when combing or cleaning hair. This is hair that has not yet fallen off at the end of its life. It is not pathological hair loss because of the pull of combing and cleaning. If you lose hundreds of hair every day for more than three months, you should be on high alert. If you find that your hair on the top of your head is thinning, softening, becoming less or showing signs of hairline retrogression, you'd better see a doctor in time to see if it belongs to pathological alopecia.
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Three green foods are often eaten when hair loss occurs in autumn
Generally speaking, hair loss is due to lack of nutrition, so what can we eat in autumn to prevent hair loss?
Papaya: Papaya is rich in vitamin C. At the same time, its iron, carotene, lutein and other elements can provide a variety of nutrients for hair, remove the accumulation of old protein, provide deep cleanliness and nourishment for hair.
Pig leg meat: pig leg meat contains vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6 and many other vitamins. Vitamin B6 has the effect of preventing white hair and promoting hair growth, and can prevent hair falling.
Nuts: Nuts, such as walnuts and almonds, can provide high-quality protein, promote hair growth, but also rich in iron, vitamin E and other ingredients, making hair strong and hard to break.
Six dietary treatments for hair loss in autumn
Shouwu Pig Brain Decoction: Shouwu Pig Brain Decoction is the best choice! Polygonum multiflorum 300 grams, walnut meat 30 grams, pig brain 1. Pan-fry Polygonum multiflorum, discard residue to remove juice, stew walnut kernels and pig brains with juice, season and take green food after ripening, once a day, until new hair grows. In particular, it is proposed that this is not only a dietary medicine for women's hair loss, but also a delicious dish!
Longan ginseng stew lean meat: longan meat 20 grams, ginseng 6 grams, wolfberry 15 grams, lean pork 150 grams. Pork sliced, longan meat and wolfberry washed, ginseng soaked sliced, put into the stew cup, add water, simmer with gentle fire and water until meat cooked, can be eaten, suitable for women with postpartum gas and blood deficiency and hair loss caused by consumption.
Wolfberry black sesame porridge: 30 grams of black sesame, 100 grams of Japonica rice, 10 grams of wolfberry. The above three flavors make porridge together. It has the functions of invigorating liver and kidney and invigorating qi and blood. It is suitable for patients with premature gray hair, alopecia, etc. This is not only a good answer to what women eat when they lose their hair, but also a good answer to what they eat when they lose their hair.
Wolfberry black beans stewed mutton: wolfberry 20 grams, black beans 30 grams, mutton 150 grams, ginger, salt appropriate amount. First boiled water to remove the smell of mutton, then wolfberry, black beans and mutton in a pot, add water, cook for 2 hours, add monosodium glutamate to eat, suitable for women postpartum hair loss.
Sesame kelp cake: 100 grams of white sesame, 500 grams of kelp powder. Stir-fry white sesame until light yellow, grind fine, add starch to mix well, then mix kelp into sesame, make cakes, steamed, make snacks at will.
Hair black beans: 500 grams of black beans, 1000 ml of water, boiled under mild heat until the beans are saturated in water. Then take out the black beans, sprinkle a little salt, and store in the porcelain bottle. Take 6 grams each time, twice a day, after meals, warm boiled water. It has curative effect on seborrheic alopecia, postpartum alopecia and alopecia during the disease period.
Source: Family Doctor Online
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