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Food source: good soil is important for organic agriculture

   Release date: 2022-10-31     Hits: 19    Comment: 0    
Note:   Organic agriculture has gradually become the trend of agricultural development in the future,which also makes more a
   Organic agriculture has gradually become the trend of agricultural development in the future,which also makes more and more agricultural producers pay attention to soil microorganisms and soil organic matter.
  The soil in China is seriously damaged
  Since the 1970s,China has used chemical fertilizers in a large area,and the amount of agricultural chemical fertilizers has increased rapidly.The use of chemical fertilizers has played a great role in increasing the yield of important crops such as vegetables,fruits,cotton and oilseeds in China.However,China's arable land resources are seriously insufficient.China uses 9%of the world's arable land to feed 22%of the population.This shows how much load and pressure the land bears.
  Due to the serious shortage of cultivated land resources,farmers can only over cultivate and over plant,and rely heavily on chemical fertilizers and pesticides to increase the output of crops to meet the food demand of the population.Excessive load and pressure also cause serious damage to the cultivated layer of the soil.The land also has problems such as soil acidification,decline of organic matter,decline of irrigation water level,decline of soil fertility,and frequent occurrence of soil diseases and pests.
  At present,the area of degraded cultivated land in China has accounted for more than 40%of the total cultivated land.
  Why China advocates organic fertilizer instead of chemical fertilizer
  The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the People's Republic of China,together with the Ministry of Finance,in the 2020 policy of strengthening agriculture and benefiting farmers,mentioned that organic fertilizer should be used instead of chemical fertilizer,so as to reduce the input of chemical fertilizer and increase the input of organic fertilizer.We will focus on replacing chemical fertilizers with organic fertilizers for fruit,vegetable and tea,and intensively promote technologies such as compost returning to fields,commercial organic fertilizer application,and biogas residue and biogas slurry returning to fields.Utilize livestock and poultry manure as resources,accelerate the application of organic fertilizer,and promote the combination of planting and breeding.
  In the past,farmers used chemical fertilizers to supplement the elements needed for crop growth lacking in the soil,improve crop growth and increase crop yield.However,the authoritative department found that when the content of soil organic matter reached 30 grams per kg,organic fertilizer could replace chemical fertilizer 100%to maintain high yield.
  That is to say,in the future,we can achieve the goal of increasing crop yield by using organic fertilizer instead of chemical fertilizer.
  Organic fertilizer contains a variety of nutrients,which are relatively comprehensive and balanced.Organic fertilizer comes from nature.There is no chemical composition in the fertilizer.Long term use of organic fertilizer can not only improve the quality of agricultural products,but also benefit the soil and the ecological environment.The application of organic fertilizer is actually raising better soil.
  However,too much chemical fertilizer is easy to cause pesticide residues.Improper application will reduce the quality of agricultural products and damage the environment.In order to improve the quality of agricultural products and the environment,and raise the soil,the use of organic fertilizer should also be increased.
  How important is good soil to organic agriculture
  Some people say that soil is the muscle of the earth.It needs to be fed with organic matter just as cattle,sheep,horses and other poultry need to be fed with food.Mineral elements and nutrients in soil need to be decomposed by microorganisms before they can be absorbed and utilized by plant roots.These microorganisms use soil organic matter as food to carry out normal life activities.It is the product of catabolism and becomes effective and absorbable organic matter.
  Therefore,raising soil is very important for developing organic agriculture.Organic agriculture has higher requirements for soil.First,it needs to go through a long fallow period,and then it needs to carry out a lot of testing.The conventional planting land will be turned into an organic planting area to ensure that the soil meets the organic standard.
  How to raise soil in organic agriculture
  In addition to the use of organic fertilizer,rotation and fallow are also very important in organic planting.
  Rotation refers to the planting method of planting different crops in turn or multiple cropping in different years on the same field.It is called single cropping rotation and multiple cropping rotation.The implementation of reasonable rotation and establishment of reasonable rotation system have significant economic,ecological and social benefits.
  Fallow refers to the way that the cultivated land is only cultivated or not cultivated in the season when crops can be planted.In organic agricultural production,the main purpose of fallow is to recuperate the cultivated land,reduce the excessive consumption of water and nutrients in the soil,promote the transformation of potential nutrients in the soil,and create a good soil environment for future crop growth.
  In general,the rotation and fallow of organic agriculture in production and planting are conducted once every three years.In order to ensure that the soil organic matter of the farm is more active and the nutrition during the vegetable growth period is more abundant,Shangshangyuan has to leave the land fallow for at least three months every year to maintain the continuous good soil quality.
  Good soil has an important impact on both traditional agriculture and organic agriculture.Organic agriculture is both a beneficiary and a protector of soil.The recyclable use of soil guarantees the sustainable development of organic agriculture;The development of organic agriculture also makes the soil more healthy,leaving good natural resources for our living environment and better benefiting future generations.
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