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Organic fertilizer is a good thing, but it becomes a big problem if it is not used well!

   Release date: 2022-10-20     Hits: 6    Comment: 0    
Note:   With the development of agricultural modernization and the progress of agricultural technology,organic food has beco
   With the development of agricultural modernization and the progress of agricultural technology,organic food has become more and more popular.Organic fertilizer has gradually become one of the necessary fertilizers for agricultural planting.Common organic fertilizers include poultry manure,cake fertilizer,kitchen waste,etc.Organic fertilizer can not only provide comprehensive nutrition for crops,but also has a long effect.It can increase and renew soil organic matter,promote microbial reproduction,and play a role in soil improvement.Good yield and quality cannot be separated from reasonable application of organic fertilizer.Now let's take a look at the application methods of organic fertilizer!
  Used as base fertilizer
  Organic fertilizer has a slow release of nutrients and a long effect.It is most suitable for use as base fertilizer.It can be added at the same time of turning the land,and is generally called"base fertilizer".In the process of plowing before planting,organic fertilizer will be sprinkled on the surface,and the fertilizer will be ploughed into the soil along with the plowing.Such fertilization method is applicable to crops with high planting density,which is simple and labor-saving,and the fertilizer is applied evenly.
  Used as topdressing
  The main purpose of topdressing is to supplement the nutrients lacking in the base fertilizer and meet the nutritional needs of the plant during the growth period.For example,garlic planting needs topdressing according to different fertilizer needs during the wintering period,green returning period and garlic sprout elongation period.
  The well decomposed organic fertilizer contains a large amount of available nutrients,and can also be used as topdressing.The topdressing can be done by hole application or ditch application.Hole application is to put the base fertilizer into the pits dug according to the row spacing and plant spacing,and then apply the topdressing in the small pits dug two or three inches away from the crop roots.The method of hole application is applicable to spot sowing or transplanting crops,such as corn,cotton,tomato,etc.Generally,the depth of hole application is about 5~10cm.After fertilization,the soil is covered.The organic fertilizer applied in the hole must be fully decomposed in advance and then applied into the hole,which can effectively prevent the crop roots from being burned by fertilizer.
  Used as seed fertilizer
  Seed fertilizer refers to the application of fertilizer near the seeds to provide nutrients for the early growth of crops when sowing or transplanting.The seed fertilizer is the fertilizer that is applied together with the seed in the sowing ditch and is close to the seed.The use of seed fertilizer is less,which is also conducive to strong seedlings and early development,and can also make up for the lack of seed endosperm storage.
  To apply seed fertilizer,first mix the chemical fertilizer used as seed fertilizer with a small amount of decomposed organic fertilizer.Before sowing,spread the mixed fertilizer in the sowing ditch or hole,and then sow.
  How to apply organic fertilizer scientifically?
  1、Fertilization due to soil
  The soil composition of each plot is different,and the fertility and texture will be different,so fertilization should also be adapted to local conditions.Fertilization based on soil fertility is to determine the appropriate target yield according to soil fertility.Fertilization based on soil texture is to adopt different fertilization schemes according to the different nutrient release and transformation properties of organic fertilizers and soil fertility retention properties in different texture soils.
  2、Apply fertilizer according to fertilizer characteristics
  Among all kinds of organic fertilizers,humic acid fertilizer has the best performance.It not only contains rich organic matter,but also contains rich inorganic nutrients.It plays an obvious role in improving crop quality and is an ideal fertilizer for field economy and other crops.Straw organic fertilizer has high organic matter content,which can increase the content of soil organic matter and improve soil fertility significantly,so it is suitable to be used as base fertilizer.Organic manure of livestock and poultry has medium content of organic matter and rich content of nitrogen,phosphorus,potassium and other nutrients,but it must be sterilized,otherwise it is easy to infect crops,people and livestock.
  3、Apply fertilizer according to the law of crop fertilizer demand
  Vegetables that require a long and large amount of fertilizer,such as watermelon,pumpkin and radish,require less nutrients in the early stage,and more topdressing is important in the later stage of crop growth.For tomatoes,cucumbers,eggplants with long harvest period and celery and green onions with long growth period,the base fertilizer and topdressing are very important.It is necessary to apply sufficient base fertilizer to ensure the nutrient supply in the early stage.
  4、Apply fertilizer according to planting density
  With large planting density,full layer fertilization can be applied,and the amount of fertilization is large;The density is small,and the fertilization should be concentrated to reduce the amount of fertilization.Concentrate fertilization on fruit trees.Vegetables or cash crops with large row spacing but small plant spacing can be fertilized according to the ditch;For crops with large row and plant spacing,fertilizer can be applied per tree.
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