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Don't miss four dishes when eating duck in autumn

   Release date: 2019-08-16     Hits: 42    Comment: 0    
Note: As the saying goes, autumn high duck fat, this season to eat ducks at the right time. Why is duck good in autumn? What a
 As the saying goes, autumn high duck fat, this season to eat ducks at the right time. Why is duck good in autumn? What are some good recipes for duck? Let's take a look.
Don't miss four dishes PT.jpg when eating duck in autumn
Eating ducks in autumn helps to eliminate autumn dryness
Duck is rich in nutrition, not only enjoys the reputation of "Jingshi delicacy, puzzling than duck" and "no duck is absent", but also is known as "nourishing the Yin of the five Zang organs, clearing the heat of empty labor, nourishing blood and circulating water, nourishing stomach and nourishing body fluid...". Especially when the new duck was raised in autumn, its meat was strong, tender, fat and nutritious, and it could replenish essential protein, vitamin and mineral in time. At the same time, duck meat is cold, especially suitable for people with body heat to eat, so autumn dietary therapy preferred duck.
Eating duck can get rid of autumn dryness. Ducks and chickens are birds, but their effects are quite different. Chicken is especially suitable for winter supplement, folk known as "every nine chickens, good health in the coming year". Duck belongs to waterfowl. In "Drinking Goodness and Justice", Yuan Dynasty imperial doctor Hu Sihui said that duck meat is sweet, cold and non-toxic, filling the internal deficiency, sterilizing heat and water diversion. It can be used for headache, insomnia due to Yin deficiency, cough due to lung fever, nephritis and edema, unfavorable urination and low fever. Frequent consumption of duck meat is most beneficial for those who are weak in yin, edema, dry stool and low in heat.
Duck meat has the healthiest fat. Duck meat is rich in B vitamins and vitamin E. Its fatty acids are mainly unsaturated fatty acids and low carbon saturated fatty acids, which are easy to digest. In addition, the fat in duck meat is different from other animal oils. The proportion of various fatty acids in duck meat is close to the ideal value. The chemical composition of duck meat is similar to olive oil, which has the effect of lowering cholesterol. It is especially suitable for people suffering from atherosclerosis.
Don't miss four dishes when eating duck in autumn
Duck meat and wax gourd soup. Duck meat protein content is about 16%, B vitamins, vitamin E and minerals are rich. When appetite is weak, make duck meat and wax gourd soup, which not only replenishes water but also replenishes high-quality protein. Duck meat is delicious, but people who are weak and cold should eat less.
Red and white blood tofu. Duck blood is delicate and smooth, rich in magnesium and iron. Tofu and tofu together to make red and white blood tofu, is a delicious home dish. A seasonal green vegetable or two can make nutrition more comprehensive. However, duck blood sodium content is high, it is recommended to eat a few pieces occasionally, do not eat for a long time, in order to avoid increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Stir-fried pepper with duck liver. Duck liver is an ideal blood tonic and vitamin A supplement. In addition, it also contains vitamin D, vitamin B2 and vitamin B12. Duck meat with pepper can not only supplement protein, iron, but also vitamin C. It should be reminded that duck liver cholesterol content is high, it is recommended to eat about 50 grams at a time.
Duck Wings in Brown Sauce. Duck wing bone has more meat and less calories. Although its nutritional value is not as good as duck liver and duck blood, its low-fat taste is good. Sauced duck wing is a good choice. However, excessive oil, salt, sauce and pepper can easily increase the burden of stomach and intestine, so excessive processing should be avoided in cooking.
Three groups of people should drink duck soup to supplement
From the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine, ducks are cold in nature and suitable for supplement in dry autumn; from the point of view of duck nutrition, ducks have diversified nutritional components, which accords with the characteristics of supplement in autumn. Therefore, duck soup supplement in autumn is more suitable.
There are three main groups suitable for drinking duck soup for tonifying: the elderly and children who are prone to respiratory diseases such as cough and cold, as well as the young and middle-aged people who are usually tired; the people who are usually deficient in Yin and fire, such as thin body, hypertension, diabetes, tuberculosis and other patients; and the skin of women in autumn is especially dry, so can they. Drink duck soup for tonic. At the same time, it is reminded that some people are not suitable for drinking duck soup to supplement, those who prefer Yang deficiency to fear cold, and those who suffer from chronic enteritis are not suitable.
Chinese medicine or green food can be added to duck soup
Drinking duck soup into tonic, the best combination of their physical condition, with Chinese medicine or green food. For those who are vulnerable to respiratory diseases such as cough and cold, green food (yam, lotus seed) and traditional Chinese medicine (astragalus membranaceus or American ginseng) can be added to duck soup, generally 30-60 grams.
Duck is not recommended for colds
Don't eat ducks when you have a cold. Duck meat is good, but it is also good to eat. First of all, people with cold should not eat duck meat, otherwise it may aggravate the condition. It is better to drink chicken soup when you have a cold; secondly, people with chronic enteritis should eat less, duck meat tastes sweet and salty, eating may aggravate the condition of enteritis; people with abdominal pain, diarrhea, low back pain, dysmenorrhea and other symptoms should also eat less duck.
When it's time to eat ducks in autumn, do a good job of supplementing them.
Source: Family Doctor Online
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