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Four cooking methods are not advisable

   Release date: 2019-08-16     Hits: 55    Comment: 0    
Note: Cooking has always been a human instinct, and it's too simple to do. But some experts say that there is a lot of knowled
 Cooking has always been a human instinct, and it's too simple to do. But some experts say that there is a lot of knowledge about cooking. Usual cooking methods can make rice lose its original value.
Four cooking methods are not recommended Tf.jpg
Four ways of cooking are not advisable
Let's first introduce the ingredients of rice: the main ingredient of rice is starch, which produces energy after digestion and absorption in vivo and supplies human life activities. In addition, rice also contains 7%-8% protein. In addition, rice also contains essential vitamins B1, B2, nicotinic acid, potassium, phosphorus and other minerals. So, even if you eat only, you can supplement your body with a lot of nutrients every day. However, these nutrients will not be absorbed by you, because the incorrect cooking process will lead to the loss of nutrients, as follows:
1. Too many times to wash rice
In general, households wash rice before steaming, while vitamin B is water-soluble and distributed on the surface of rice. It is easy to slip away with rice washing water, and the loss of vitamin B1 can reach as high as 20%-60%. In fact, the rice sold on the market today is very clean, gently wash once or twice, indicating that no-wash rice varieties need not be washed out.
2. Overheating
Cooking time should be shortened as far as possible, there are two main ways: first, soaking rice for about half an hour before cooking; second, boiling with boiling water, can not only volatilize chlorine in tap water, reduce the damage to vitamin B1, but also cook faster.
3. Adding alkali
The practice of adding alkali to porridge is common in the north. It is believed that the porridge with alkali tastes better. It is unknown that doing so will cause the destruction of vitamin B1 and vitamin B2 and folic acid.
4. Fishing Steamed Rice
People in some places like to eat steamed rice, which tastes better. Others like to heat their cold meals and throw away the soup. These practices can cause vitamin losses of up to 50%-70%. In fact, the loss of nutrients and flavor substances in steamed rice bowl is the smallest, while that in steamed rice bowl is the largest.
Cooking with these more fragrant
If you want to make the monotonous rice more delicious, there is no way, you can add these green foods in the rice, not only unique taste, nutrition can also be doubled oh!
Oats: Oats are coarse grains, rich in protein, high cellulose, rich in cellulose and colloid, low calorie, very suitable for modern people's health, and oats have a light aroma, plus a little in rice, healthy and delicious!
Vinegar: If you add vinegar, the rice will not turn sour? In fact, it will not. When you add a little (1.5kg rice/2ml vinegar) to cook, the flavor of rice will be stronger, and it will also prevent spoilage. If you're going to keep the rice longer, you might as well add some vinegar when you cook it.
Beer: Areyoukiddingme? You're right. Beer. Especially the old rice, when cooked, add a little according to the normal proportion, the cooked rice will be as refreshing as the fragrant rice.
Peanut oil: Peanut oil itself has fragrance, added to rice, can be said to be the finishing touches, not only to make rice more fragrant, but also to make rice non-stick pot, grain distinct. But don't be too greedy. You'll get tired of it.
Salt: Suitable for steaming leftovers. When you can't eat the rest of the rice, you need to re-steamed it. The re-steamed rice always has a taste, which is not as good as the newly steamed rice. If a small amount of salt water is put into the steamed leftovers, the smell of rice can be removed.
Olive oil: When cooking rice, adding olive oil in rice can slow down the speed of sugar-raising, without causing stomach damage.
Tea: I believe many people like the aroma of tea. Especially when cooking brown rice, add the brewed tea, so that the cooked rice is nutritious, colorful, fragrant and tasty.
Boiled water: When cooking with boiled water, the loss of vitamin B1 can be reduced by about 10% compared with that of cooking directly with cold water. In addition, cold tap water is used in cities. Because the tap water contains disinfected free residual chlorine, in the process of cooking, free chlorine can also destroy B vitamins in cereals, especially vitamin B1.
Rice Wine, Liquor or Yellow Wine: When fried rice, a few drops of wine are dripped into the rice. The fried rice is fragrant and loose, and the entrance is extinct. If you encounter a rice cooker, you can shovel the rice and add 2 tbsps of rice wine, white wine or yellow rice wine, then cook it gently for a while.
Source: Family Doctor Online
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