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What about dry lips in autumn

   Release date: 2019-08-16     Hits: 65    Comment: 0    
Note: Dry lips in autumn are easy to peel, so what about dry lips in autumn? There are many ways to treat dry lips in autumn.
 Dry lips in autumn are easy to peel, so what about dry lips in autumn? There are many ways to treat dry lips in autumn. Let's take a detailed look at dry lips in autumn.
What about fe. JPG in autumn when lips are dry
I. What about dry lips in autumn
1. If the lips are dry and peeled, yoghurt can be used at home, or yoghurt and lemon juice can be mixed evenly and the effect will be better. Stir the yogurt and lemon juice evenly into the fridge ice for 15 minutes. Spread evenly on the lips with a cotton swab. Cover with a fresh-keeping film over the lips. Remove it after 15 minutes. Rinse the lips with warm water and apply the lip balm. Dry and peeled lips will regain their tender luster.
2. If the dry and scaly lips are slightly serious, remember not to tear the skin with your hands or bite the skin directly with your teeth. Carelessly, it will cause bleeding of the lips and cause new wounds, which will make the lips more injured and harder. If you look at the skin and worry it must be torn off, you can first use hot towels to soften the dead skin, then use cotton swabs to clean up, and finally put on the lip balm, the effect will be much better.
3. Dry lips peeling is mainly caused by dry climate and air. Home can use sprinkler, evaporator or humidifier in sunny days to improve indoor air humidity, so as to ensure that the skin can be in a more humid environment and avoid a series of skin problems caused by excessive drying.
4. Dry skin and lips should not be over-emotional. Autumn is also a season of restlessness, but we should know how to regulate emotions. Excessive emotions, easy to get angry these will produce heartburn, burn body fluid, make their mouth dry.
5. People with dry skin or dry lips need to replenish water in time. Drink more water to replenish lost water.
6. Choose some lip moisturizing products with high humidity when feeling dry, such as lip moisturizing products containing aloe and vitamin E. It can effectively alleviate dry lips and is the simplest solution to dry lips.
7. Drinking water is very important in peacetime, but it is not enough. On weekends, I still have to cook some soup and porridge for myself, which is also the key point to prevent dryness. Besides, we should eat less oil, sweetness, spicy and salty green food, eat light green food and drink less sweet drinks.
8. Autumn fruit should eat grapes, pears and other cool fruit, appropriate water supplement. Litchi, apple, etc.
2. What fruit is good for dry lips in autumn?
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1. Sugarcane
Qingpi sugarcane, which belongs to the lung and stomach meridians and tastes sweet and cool, is one of the best fruits for clearing lung heat. It is rich in sugar and water, but also contains a lot of vitamins which are very beneficial to human metabolism. According to TCM, sugarcane enters the lungs and stomach meridians, which has the special effects of clearing heat, generating body fluid, lowering qi, moistening dryness, tonifying lung and benefiting stomach. Sugarcane can treat cough and asthma caused by fever, irritation and thirst, nausea and vomiting, and pulmonary dryness. In addition, sugarcane can also relax bowels, drink its juice can also alleviate alcoholism.
2. Apple
Apple is rich in water and nutrients, is a kind of fruit known as natural beauty. Apples contain a lot of water and a variety of moisturizing factors on the skin moisturizing effect, vitamin C can inhibit the skin melanin calm, often eat apples can dilute facial freckles and chloasma.
3. Citrus
Citrus has many benefits, and its fresh taste is enough to remove dryness and refresh the mind. Orange is rich in citric acid, vitamins and calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium and other essential elements of the human body. It has the function of generating body fluid and relieving cough, and is used for the disease of dry and hot stomach and intestine, and has the function of moistening lung and resolving phlegm, and is suitable for the disease of cough of lung heat.
4. Kiwifruit
Kiwifruit is rich in vitamin C and vitamin E. It can not only whiten the skin, but also improve the anti-oxidation ability of the skin. It can also effectively whiten the skin, eliminate freckles and acne and enhance the anti-aging ability of the skin.
5. Persimmon
Fruit taste sweet and astringent, cold, into the lungs, spleen, stomach, large intestine meridians, has a good effect of clearing away heat and dryness, moistening the lung and resolving phlegm.
3. What to eat when your lips are dry in autumn?
Qm.jpg for dry lips in autumn
1. Green Vegetables
Chinese cabbage, lettuce, radish, carrot, lotus root, water chestnut, mushroom, mushroom, fungus, etc.
2. Fruit
Jujube, sugarcane, pineapple, grapefruit, etc.
3. Cereals
Choose roughage as much as possible, such as wheat germ, rice germ, buckwheat, corn, etc.
4. Animal green food
Animal liver, kidney, egg yolk, pork, chicken, duck, fish, shrimp and seagreen food, etc.
5. Green Foods rich in colloid
Pig hoof, tendon, sea cucumber, chicken skin, fish skin, tremella, etc.
6. Nuts
Sunflower seeds, walnuts, lotus seeds, peanuts, hazelnuts, pine nuts, cashew nuts, almonds, chestnuts and so on.
In addition to diet adjustment, apply some cooking oil on the lips, which is more effective than lip balm.
Source: Health Way Network
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