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Health tea for you

   Release date: 2019-08-16     Hits: 72    Comment: 0    
Note: Drinking tea is a Chinese life habit and social etiquette since ancient times, and health tea differs from ordinary tea
 Drinking tea is a Chinese life habit and social etiquette since ancient times, and health tea differs from ordinary tea in that it focuses more on the health care effect of tea. And most health-preserving tea is in the form of tea, giving full play to the effect of medicine. Tea containing tea or tea made from traditional Chinese medicine or raw materials with the same origin of medicine and green food for the purpose of health care is collectively referred to as health tea. Health-preserving tea is an ideal natural health-preserving drink, which is carefully prepared with green tea, light bamboo leaves and lotus flowers. It has high fragrance, mellow taste and rich color. After drinking, it tastes delicate and elegant, clears away heat and quenches thirst, and refreshes the mind.
Health Tea vA.jpg Suitable for You
1. Supplementary Blood and Good Appearance: Guiyuan Jujube Tea
Material: 100g jujube and 50g longan.
Method: Boil all the ingredients in 1000 grams of water and simmer for 10 minutes.
Office secrets: Put all the materials in the insulating cup and boil 1000 grams of boiling water for 20 minutes.
Efficacy: It has the effect of nourishing heart and calming mind, nourishing yin and nourishing blood. It is suitable for women who are weak, sick, palpitation, insomnia and have no lustre.
2. Beauty-nourishing, Qi-invigorating and Muscle-moistening: Red Jujube Wine for Tea Brewing
Drinking black tea to prevent influenza
Black tea is the best drink in winter. Black tea is sweet and warm, which can nourish the body's yang. Black tea is rich in protein and sugar, which warms up the abdomen and enhances the cold resistance of the human body, and also helps digestion and greasy removal. In some parts of our country, there is also the habit of drinking black tea with sugar, milk and sesame, which can not only warm the belly, but also add nutrition and strengthen the body.
3. Seek Green Tea for Help on Fire
In winter, when the climate is dry and people like to eat greasy and spicy green food, burning becomes a health problem that troubles many people, and brings about constipation, dry mouth and sore tongue. At this time, green tea can be turned to. Green tea is a kind of unfermented tea. It has cold nature and can clear away heat. Therefore, it can remove fire, stimulate body fluid, quench thirst and dissipate green food and phlegm. It can also accelerate the healing of mild gastric ulcer, reduce blood lipid and prevent vascular sclerosis. Therefore, those who are easy to catch fire, usually like smoking and drinking, and those who are fat (usually with a warm constitution) are more suitable for drinking green tea, while those who are weak in intestines and stomach should not take green tea.
IV. Dry mouth and dry tongue to help Oolong
Oolong tea belongs to semi-fermented tea, which is between green and black tea and has a green-brown color, so it is also called "green tea". In taste, Oolong tea has not only the fragrance of green tea and natural flowers, but also the mellow taste of black tea. It is not cold but not hot. It is moderately warm. Therefore, Oolong tea has the functions of moisturizing skin, moisturizing throat, nourishing body fluid and eliminating accumulated heat in the body, so that the body can adapt to the changes of natural environment. In winter, the indoor air is mostly dry, people are prone to dry mouth, dry lips, then soak a cup of Oolong tea, can alleviate the suffering of drying. In addition, Oolong tea has a good decomposition of protein and fat, can prevent liver fat accumulation, for those who are afraid of putting on fat in winter, green tea also has a certain weight loss effect.
Fifth, you might as well taste scented tea for depression.
Flower tea includes Jasmine tea, Magnolia tea, osmanthus tea, rose tea and so on. It is smoked by adding different fragrant flowers to green tea. Generally speaking, scented tea can nourish liver and gallbladder, strengthen limbs and dredge meridians. Taking jasmine tea as an example, it can clear away heat and relieve heat, invigorate the spleen and calm the mind, and has good effect on treating dysentery and preventing stomachache. Honeysuckle tea can clear away heat, detoxify, refresh and quench thirst, and has a better effect on sore throat and prevention of influenza. Therefore, in winter may wish to make appropriate choices, especially women in menopause and before and after menstruation prone to depression, irritability, may as well use the method of drinking flower tea to eliminate depression.
Suppression of melancholy sweet-scented osmanthus tea
Chinese medicine believes that Osmanthus fragrans has good medicinal value. The ancients said that Osmanthus fragrans is the longest of all medicines, so the wine brewed with Osmanthus fragrans can achieve the effect of "drinking for a thousand years". Osmanthus fragrans is warm and spicy, enters the lungs and large intestine meridians, decocts soup, brews tea or soaks in wine. It has the functions of warming the cold, warming the stomach and relieving pain, eliminating phlegm and dispersing stasis. It has certain curative effect on anorexia, phlegm, cough and asthma, hemorrhoids, dysentery and amenorrhea abdominal pain. Many patients with stomach diseases will feel cold in winter. Drinking sweet-scented osmanthus tea at this time can alleviate the symptoms very well.
Practice: In autumn, flowers are not collected in the bud of Osmanthus fragrans. The flowers are washed and dried in the shade, then sealed and preserved. It can be added to tea to make tea for drinking. When drinking, about seven to ten flowers are used. After adding appropriate amount of black tea and brown sugar, it can be brewed with hot boiling water.
Invigorating qi and invigorating spirit: ginseng jujube tea. Material: 5 jujubes; 1 dollar American ginseng. Method: Put the jujube in 350 g boiling water and boil it for 3 minutes. Put the ginseng slices into a cup, add jujube water, cover and bake for 10 minutes. Office secrets: Put all the materials in the insulating cup and boil 350 grams of boiling water for 20 minutes. Efficacy: It can supplement qi and blood. Qingre Shengjin. Used for deficiency of Qi and yin, internal heat.
Improve dysmenorrhea discomfort: Leonurus brown sugar tea. Ingredients: Leonurus heterophyllus 1 money; Aconitum vulgaris 1 money; brown sugar appropriate amount. Method: Put Leonurus heterophyllus and Aconitum vulgaris in 500 g boiling water, simmer for 5 minutes, add brown sugar in proper amount. Office secrets: Put all the materials in the insulating cup and bake in 500 grams of boiling water for 30 minutes. Efficacy: It has the functions of promoting blood circulation, regulating blood stasis, regulating menstruation and eliminating water. Leonurus heterophyllus can promote the rapid recovery of microcirculation disturbance of local blood flow.
Mentha liquorice tea
Efficacy: Antipyretic, dispelling dryness, refreshing and detoxifying, have the miracle effect of preventing colds. Ingredients: Fresh mint leaves
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