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What do smokers eat for clearing their lungs?

   Release date: 2019-08-16     Hits: 52    Comment: 0    
Note: Many male friends will have the habit of smoking, what can we eat to clear their lungs? At our table, we can try the fol
 Many male friends will have the habit of smoking, what can we eat to clear their lungs? At our table, we can try the following recommended green foods to help smoking male friends clear their lungs. Come and see what they have. Don't miss them.
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What do smokers eat to clear their lungs?
Frequent tea drinking: When smoking, some compounds in smoke can lead to thickening of arterial intima, decrease of gastric acid secretion and increase of blood sugar. If you want to avoid the retention of these compounds in the body, the best solution is to drink more tea. This is because tea polyphenols, caffeine, vitamin C and other components in tea can decompose these toxic substances. At the same time, tea has diuretic effect, which can help to promote the discharge of toxic substances.
Eat green foods rich in selenium: People who smoke regularly will have a decrease in the content of selenium in their blood, and selenium is a trace element for cancer prevention. If the human body lacks selenium, the incidence of cancer will be greatly increased. Therefore, it is suggested that men who smoke regularly should eat green foods rich in selenium, such as sesame, malt, garlic, eggs, yeast, animal liver, kidney and so on.
Eat more cholesterol-lowering green foods: Smoking can lead to increased cholesterol and fat deposition in blood vessels, resulting in decreased blood supply to the brain, easily leading to brain atrophy and accelerating brain aging. Therefore, in order to avoid cholesterol and fat accumulation in the body, it is better to eat less fat containing fatty acids, eat more green foods that can reduce or inhibit cholesterol synthesis, such as beef, fish, soybean products and high-fiber green foods.
Increase intake of alkaline green foods: This is because alkaline green foods such as fruits, green vegetables, soybeans can effectively reduce the body's absorption of nicotine. At the same time, these alkaline green foods can also stimulate the secretion of gastric acid, increase gastrointestinal peristalsis, and avoid the occurrence of symptoms such as indigestion.
Next, let's look at the soups for clearing the lung.
Three Kinds of Soup for Cigarette Smokers to Clear the Lung
Chuanbei Sydney Pig Lung Decoction: Take 120 grams of pig lung, wash and cut into pieces, boil in boiling water for 5 minutes, then rinse with cold water, drain water. Wash and break Fritillaria Chuanbeimu 9g, rinse Sydney peel, remove pedicels and pear hearts, and cut pear flesh into small pieces. Put all the above ingredients in a boiling water pot, simmer for 2 hours, and drink in moderation after seasoning.
Almond Sydney Yam Paste: North almond 10 grams, Sydney 1, yam powder, sugar appropriate amount. First, soak the almonds in boiling water, wash them, peel the Sydney pear, wash them, take the meat and cut them into pieces. Then put the almonds and Sydney grains in the mixer and mix them into mud. With proper amount of clear water, mix apricot pear mud, yam powder and sugar into paste and pour into a boiling water pot (boiling water is about 100 ml), stirring constantly, and boiling. Eat in moderation.
Mushroom and snow ear pig pancreas soup: pig pancreas 1, pig lean meat 60 grams, mushroom 15 grams, snow ear 9 grams. First wash the mushrooms, wash the ears and wash them, remove the small ones, pig pancreas, pig lean meat, wash and slice. Add mushrooms and sausage into the pot and add the right amount of water. After the fire is boiled, simmer for 20 minutes, then let the pig pancreas and pig lean meat, then boil and seasonings. Drink in moderation.
Smoking is very harmful to health. Suggest male friends to quit smoking.
Source: Family Doctor Online
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