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Free "organic fertilizer" can be picked up casually, and the flowerpot can be mixed with a

   Release date: 2021-11-06     Hits: 61    
   Raising flowers is indeed a hobby beneficial to physical and mental health.It can not only decorate the space,but also look at the vigorous growth of flowers,and my heart is full of pride.
  If you want flowers to grow well,you can't use less fertilizer.In fact,a lot of waste water at home can be used as fertilizer for raising flowers,such as rice washing water,enzymes made from peel retting,soybean water,bean dregs,etc.
  If you want flowers to grow well,you can't use less fertilizer.In fact,a lot of waste water at home can be used as fertilizer for raising flowers,such as rice washing water,enzymes made from peel retting,soybean water,bean dregs,etc.
  Earthworm dung is usually hidden in the grass.When we go on an outing or go to the park,we can look down.If there are a handful of small mounds of granular soil on the ground,this is earthworm dung.
  Darwin once said that earthworm dung is the best organic fertilizer in the world.It will never burn flowers.It contains rich nutrients.Earthworms are raised in many places.Earthworm dung is used as a mechanism to cultivate high-grade flowers.Therefore,we look for these natural and inexpensive organic fertilizers.
  Matching them in the soil can not only loosen the soil and supplement nutrients,but also exercise and cultivate sentiment.The main reason is that when the flowers grow well,we are in a particularly good mood.
  We pick up some earthworm soil granular dung,which can be used for flower topdressing or mixed in the soil.Even if all of them are fed with earthworm dung,they will not burn seedlings.The nutrients are very sufficient,and any flowers can be raised well.
  However,looking for earthworm dung should go to the wet place of the soil.Generally,it can be seen in the wet place in the grass.
  As long as the soil has good air permeability and nutrients,and then give sufficient light to the plants,watering must be appropriate,so you can raise any flowers.

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