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What is organic fertilizer

Closed Reward points: 15
   Organic fertilizer,commonly known as farmyard fertilizer,refers to a large amount of biomass,animal and plant residues,excreta,biological wastes and other substances of slow-release fertilizer.Organic fertilizer not only contains the macroelements and microelements needed by plants,but also contains organic nutrients.The main role of organic fertilizer in agricultural production is shown in the following aspects:
  1:Soil improvement and fertility improvement after the organic fertilizer is applied to the soil,the organic matter can effectively improve the physical and chemical conditions and biological characteristics of the soil,mature the soil,enhance the ability of soil to maintain and supply fertilizer and buffer,and create good soil conditions for crop growth.
  2:Increase the output and improve the quality.Organic fertilizer is rich in organic matter and various nutrient elements,providing nutrition for agricultural crops.After the decomposition of organic fertilizer,it provides energy and nutrients for soil microbial activities,promotes microbial activities,accelerates the decomposition of organic matter,and produces active substances that can promote crop growth and improve agricultural products
  3:Improve fertilizer utilization rate.Organic fertilizer contains a variety of nutrients,but the relative content is low and the release is slow,while chemical fertilizer has a high content of nutrients per unit,few components and fast release.The two are reasonably applied,complement each other and decompose organic matter.The organic acid produced can also promote the dissolution of mineral nutrients in soil and fertilizer.Chemical fertilizer and organic fertilizer promote each other,which is conducive to crop absorption and improve fertilizer utilization rate.
  1.Provide complete and relatively coordinated nutrition.
  Organic fertilizers contain nutrients and beneficial elements required for crop growth.In addition,the proportion of their main elements is uniform,which is conducive to the absorption and utilization of crops.Therefore,the disproportion of some nutrient elements will not be unbalanced due to a large increase in the application of organic fertilizer,which will destroy the soil nutrient balance and cause negative effects such as fertility decline.On the contrary,the more organic fertilizer is applied,the more balanced the soil nutrient elements,and the more beneficial it is for crops to absorb and use nutrients.
  2.Promote the growth of soil microorganisms and the absorption and utilization of crops.Organic fertilizer contains a large amount of organic matter and is the place where various microorganisms grow and reproduce.In the process of decomposition,the organic matter of organic fertilizer can also produce various phenols,vitamins,enzymes and auxin,which can promote the growth of crop roots and the absorption of nutrients.
  3.Increase the amount of soil replacement and improve the fertilizer retention capacity of crops.All organic fertilizers have strong cation substitution ability and can absorb more nutrient elements such as potassium,ammonium,magnesium and zinc to prevent leaching loss and improve soil fertility.In particular,some humic acid organic fertilizers are more effective.In addition,organic fertilizer also has a strong buffering capacity,which can prevent the change of acidity caused by long-term application of chemical fertilizer from affecting crop growth,improve the stress resistance of soil itself,ensure crop growth,and ensure good soil ecological environment.
  4.Reduce nutrient fixation and improve nutrient utilization.Organic fertilizer contains a variety of organic acids,humic acids and other hydroxyl substances,which have strong chelating ability.It can chelate with a variety of metal elements to form chelates and prevent the soil from fixing these nutrient elements and becoming ineffective.For example,when organic fertilizer is mixed with phosphate fertilizer and organic fertilizer,chelates such as organic acid in organic fertilizer can chelate highly active aluminum ions in soil,and prevent aluminum and phosphorus from combining to form closed storage phosphorus that is difficult to be absorbed by crops,thus greatly improving the content of available phosphorus in soil.
  5.Accelerate the formation of soil aggregates and improve the physical properties of soil.After the organic fertilizer is applied to the soil,the organic colloidal substances in the decomposition process can combine with the inorganic colloidal substances in the soil.Forming organic-inorganic aggregates with different particle sizes.Organic and inorganic aggregates are important indicators of soil and fertilizer.The more it contains,the better the physical properties of the soil,the stronger the soil,water and fertilizer holding capacity,the better the aeration performance,and the more developed the crop roots.
  6.Increase crop output and improve the quality of agricultural products.When the nutrient elements are the same,organic fertilizer is compared with chemical fertilizer.When used as base fertilizer,organic fertilizer is better than chemical fertilizer.When applied as top dressing,the effect of fully decomposed organic fertilizer is often better than that of chemical fertilizer.In particular,improving the quality of agricultural products is more beneficial than chemical fertilizer.Organic fertilizer contains a large amount of nutrients required by plants.The nutrient supply to plants is relatively mild and long-term,and the aftereffect is long.Organic fertilizer also contains various trace elements.Because various nutrient elements in organic fertilizer are relatively complete,and these substances are completely non-toxic and harmless natural substances,this is a good method for high yield and provides the necessary conditions for green food.Organic fertilizer decomposes into various humic acid substances in the soil.It can promote enzyme activity,material synthesis,transportation and accumulation in plants.Humic acid is a high molecular substance with high cation substitution degree and good complexation and adsorption performance.It has a good complexation and adsorption effect on heavy metal ions,which can effectively reduce the toxicity of heavy metal ions to crops and prevent them from entering plants.This is beneficial to the production of pollution-free and hygienic green food.
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