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What does organic fertilizer include?

Closed Reward points: 10
   There are many kinds of organic fertilizers.Generally,the commonly used organic fertilizers are tea seed cake,rapeseed cake,cottonseed cake,bean cake,sesame cake,castor cake,straw of various crops,animal and plant residues,human and animal feces,etc.
  Organic fertilizer is processed from biological substances,animal and plant wastes and plant residues,which eliminates toxic and harmful substances.It is rich in a large number of beneficial substances,including a variety of organic acids,peptides and rich nutritional elements including nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium.It can not only provide comprehensive nutrition for crops,but also has long fertilizer efficiency.It can increase and renew soil organic matter and promote microbial reproduction.
  Improving the physical and chemical properties and biological activities of soil is the main nutrient in the production of green food.Organic fertilizer,commonly known as farmyard manure,refers to slow-release fertilizer containing a large amount of biological substances,animal and plant residues,excreta,biological waste and other substances.Organic fertilizer not only contains a large number of elements and trace elements necessary for plants,but also contains rich organic nutrients.Organic fertilizer is the most comprehensive fertilizer.
  Precautions and key instructions for organic fertilizer:
  When the soil temperature is low,the microbial activity is weak,and the nutrient release of organic fertilizer is slow,most of the application amount can be used as base fertilizer;When the ground temperature is high,the microbial decomposition ability is strong.If the amount of base fertilizer is too much,the fertilizer is over decomposed by microorganisms before planting.After planting,the fertilizer effect will be exerted immediately,which may sometimes cause the crop to grow in vain.
  Therefore,to cultivate crops under high temperature,reduce the amount of base fertilizer and increase the amount of topdressing.Topdressing high-quality organic fertilizers requires a lot of nitrogen,potassium and other nutrients during the rapid growth of crops.Generally,the content of nitrogen and potassium nutrients in organic fertilizers is not high.In order to ensure the nutrient demand of rapid growth of crops,high-quality organic fertilizers with high content of nitrogen and potassium nutrients should be selected.
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